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The Giant Mainframe

Standing a proud three storeys tall believe it or not our giant frame can accommodate over 200 kids with plenty of space to spare.....and with

  • 4 Slides
  • 4 Trampolines
  • Bags for swinging to and fro
  • Rope bridges to cross
  • Countless steps to climb
  • Tubes to crawl through
  • Domes to look out of

... there is plenty of fun to be had...

Toddler Village

Role play is a fun and exciting time in a Childs development. To this end we have an enclosed Village with buildings and cars. This is a place for younger children to make friends and make believe...

Baby and toddler area and frame for up to 2 ½ year olds

During the week nearly all our young visitors are 4 years and under. Come and enjoy a warm welcome in our secure baby friendly environment where you will find a two storey climbing frame specifically designed with small children in mind, a first floor ball pit and plenty of space to spread out and relax. For extra safety the area is fenced and has a magnetic locking gate.


Our sports zone measures 30 feet x 50 feet making it ideal for a decent kick about. It contains two static goals and two basket ball hoops. It is fully padded for ultimate safety.